Share Your Story

Have you or a loved one struggled with hunger? Do you volunteer or donate to support the fight against hunger? If so, share a story about your experience and how the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank has helped you or been a way for you to help others.

Three people encouraging you to share your story with hunger

Thank you in advance, for helping us tell the story of the people we serve and the true story of hunger in our community.

What these stories will be used for:

  • In Food Bank publications, on our website and social media posts

  • For newspaper articles, television or radio interviews

  • In conversations with elected officials

We need your help telling the story of hunger in Northwest Ohio and the effect it has on our community. Your story can help change the way people look at hunger and motivate them to join the fight to end it. We use stories to inspire volunteers and donors, promote our mission and to inform our supporters and elected officials.

Use the form below to tell us how the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank or one of our member agencies has made a difference in your life.

Share Your Story Form
